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The Clan Crest Badge is a unique feature of Scottish heraldry. It consists of the crest of the Clan Chief encircled by a strap and buckle upon which is inscribed the clan motto or battle cry. It is said to have originated from the practice of Clan Chiefs giving their adherents a metal disk engraved with the chief’s crest.


This was attached to the clothing with a small leather strap somewhat in the manner of a luggage tag. The modern design shows the strap wrapped around the crest badge which is now pinned on. It is every bit as important as the clan tartan as a symbol of clan affiliation.


The Clan Crest Badge shown below is that of the Clan Campbell. The boar’s head crest of the chief, the Duke of Argyll, is surrounded by the strap and buckle. Inscribed on the strap is the Campbell motto “Ne obliviscaris” (Forget not). The boar’s head relates to a legend about an early progenitor of the Campbells.



2k Riddell Road, Saint Heliers, Auckland 1071

            0204 4kilts or 0204454587

            09 4833947





We are open Tuesday - Friday 10am to 3pm. Other times can be arranged by appointment only.

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